Admissions are taken on the first come first serve basis on the age eligibility criteria. From grades 3 onwards, a competency level test is conducted to assess the child’s academic level. For grades three and four the subject assessed are English, math and Social Studied. For grade 5 test for Hindi is also conducted. The results of the tests are used to determine the level of support the school would offer to ensure the child’s smooth transition into the new environment.
“Quality Education is the right of each child. It is easy for a school to ‘look good’ if they only select children after testing for high achievement. Programmes for the gifted and high flyers are not enough. Social justice can only be achieved through open entry for admission and an education system that provides a high quality infrastructure to enable all children to experience the joy and wonder of learning.” - Lina Ashar, Founder-Chairperson, KKEL